Symbol of luck, good omens, protection, and prosperity.
Qilin (麒麟 ) is a symbol of luck, good omens, protection, prosperity, success, and longevity by the Chinese. It is also known as the dragon horse who has gentleness, kindness and benevolence towards all living creatures. However, the Chinese unicorn also carries a good mystical omen.
The Chinese believe that he is always alone and appears only during the reign of an outstanding leader or when a great sage is born. Having “Qilin” in your environment can not only brings you prosperity but also successful career
including harmony in your family life, healthy offspring, and longevity.
Enhance fortune of the Emperor.
The set of Qilin comes with 2 designs :
Deep Green – Your life will be full of good fortune and prestige. Removing all misfortune and danger.
Navy – Your life will be full of good fortune and prestige. Removing all misfortune and danger.
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