14 Amulet Bracelets which is consecrated and will embrace your life by enhancing your wealth, love, work, and giving you success, protection, and prestige.
- Naga : Enhance fortune, richness, and prosperity.
- Trimurti : God of love, bringing the holders to true friendship and love.
- Sivali : Bringing wealth to your life.
- Brahma : The creator god, preventing all dangers and illness from Rahu, changing bad to good.
- Ganesha : God of wisdom, removing all obstacles, and attracting all kinds of accomplishments.
- Buddha's Crown : Enhance merit, prestige, and reputation.
- Shiva : The deva who banishes all dangers and evils.
- Lakshmi : The deva of wealth, bringing luck to your life.
- Parvati : Attract career development and a happy family life.
- Saraswati : Goddess of knowledge, speech, and arts.
- Mooshika : The medium of Ganesha, grant wishes to come true quicker.
- Kali : The divine protector, and the powerful destroyer of evil forces.
- Phra Mae Thorani : The mother who nurtures the earth, bringing abundance to the land.
- Jambhala : One of the Four Diamond Kings of Heaven, bringing wealth and unveiling immense power.

The holders will be provided with abundant of physical and mental possessions. Naga represents wealth which would bring you the development, success, happiness and plentiful of treasures. Naga worship would be more effective by doing meditation and praying for blessings.
God of Love, bringing charm to the holders and bringing the holders to true friendship and love
Trimurti merges the three gods into a single form with three faces. Each god is in charge of one aspect of creation, with Brahma as the creator, Vishnu as the preserver, and Shiva as the destroyer. Trimurti worship would bring career progress and success of love.

The set of Trimurti comes with 3 designs.
- Rose Quartz, a gemstone of love that helps to heal your heart, is full of love energy. Even though, love comes from different forms and meanings. Rose quartz would help you easily get access to love from all angles. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be loved.
- Red Wishbone, a symbol of good luck that helps your wish come true if you believe with your whole heart. This bracelet is a reminder that will bring good fortune to your life.
- Rhodochrosite, a highly powerful symbol for emotional healing. It can embrace your inner child. The beauty of this bracelet will be your reminder to possibly spread unconditional love to yourself and anyone around you.
3. Sivali

Buddhist patron saint of fortune, bringing anything you desire to come true, repelling all obstacles, bringing wealth to your lives.
Sivali will create success for the holder with fortune, praise, and prevent all kinds of danger and suffering.
The set of Sivali comes with 3 designs.
- White Coral a gemstone that symbolizes immortal fortune. The power of white coral would purify any negative energy and gently attract positive energy. This bracelet is a reminder that positive energy is the key to happiness.
- Blue Beryl a stone of courage and protection. The power of gemstone is applied for communication enhancement. Blue Beryl is a perfect stone that helps you when you feel loss. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be saved.
- Amethyst a gemstone of protection. It plays a role as a barrier against lower energies, stress and unhealthy environments. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be protected.
4. Brahma

The creator god, preventing all dangers and illness from Rahu, changing bad to good
The creator god, preventing all dangers and illness from Rahu, changing bad to good. Brahma will be a great shelter from all weapons, and also lessen the hardship and make you feel at ease. Brahma has the power of destiny according to the conditions of the law of karma.
The set of Brahma comes with 3 designs.
- Blue Beryl a stone of courage and protection. The power of gemstone is applied for communication enhancement. Blue Beryl is a perfect stone that helps when you feel loss. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be saved.
- Red Wishbone a symbol of good luck that helps your wish come true if you believe with your whole heart. This bracelet is a reminder that will bring good fortune into your lives.
- Aquamarine a stone of courage and protection, it is used to enhance your communication ability. Aquamarine is a perfect stone to raise and lean on when you feel loss. This bracelet is worn as a reminder that you will be saved.
5. Ganesha
The patron of arts and sciences & the deva of intellect and wisdom, bringing Intelligence and success for educators and workers.
The patron of arts and sciences & the deva of intellect and wisdom, bringing Intelligence and success for educators and workers. Ganesha is also known as the deva of arts. The holder will be successful in any work to be done.

The set of Ganesha comes with 3 designs.
- Aquamarine a stone of courage and protection, it is used to enhance your communication ability. Aquamarine is a perfect stone to raise and lean on when you feel loss. This bracelet is worn as a reminder that you will be saved.
- Amethyst a gemstone of protection. It plays a role as a barrier against lower energies, stress and unhealthy environments. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be protected.
- Rhodochrosite a highly powerful symbol for emotional healing. It can embrace your inner child. The beauty of this bracelet will be your reminder to possibly spread unconditional love to yourself and anyone around you.
Enhance merit, prestige, and reputation.
Enhance merit, prestige, and reputation. Buddha’s Crown will prevent the holders from bad luck and obstacles, bringing success into lives, excellence in mercy and charm, being loved by humans and devas.
The set of Buddha’s Crown comes with 3 designs.
- Labradorite a stone that helps purify your energy. This stone will bring you closer to discovering your dreams and uncovering your destiny. This bracelet is a reminder that your dream will definitely come true.
- Navy Wishbone a symbol of good luck that helps your wish come true if you believe with your whole heart. This bracelet is a reminder that will bring good fortune to your life.
- White Coral a gemstone that symbolizes immortal fortune. The power of white coral would purify any negative energy and gently attract positive energy. This bracelet is a reminder that positive energy is the key to happiness.
The deva who banishes all dangers and evils
The deva who banishes all dangers and evils, comes with the power of creation, protection, and transformation from badness to goodness. Shiva will bring fortune especially to those who have sadness and turn it into happiness. The worship of this deva would help the holders stay away from suffering.
The set of Shiva comes with 2 designs.
- Black Agate, a gemstone of protection, courage, and success. This stone helps you to keep calm in any stressful situation. This bracelet is a reminder that you will overcome an enemy and the victory will come to you.
- Evil Eye, a symbol of protection from evil and badness. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be protected with the evil eye.
The deva of wealth, bringing luck to your life with her merciful heart
The deva of wealth and prosperity, it is a reminder that will make you successful in your career and in your lives. Her merciful heart will help bringing luck to negotiation, business and commerce. The worship of Lakshmi would bring wealth to lives.
The set of Lakshmi comes with 3 designs.
- Rainbow Moonstone, the moonstone provides calmness, enhances success, and positive results in love. This bracelet is a reminder which will help you pass all obstacles
- Rose Quartz, a gemstone of love that helps to heal your heart, is full of love energy. Even though, love comes from different forms and meanings. Rose quartz would help you to easily get access to love from all angles. This bracelet is a reminder that you will be loved.
- Nymphaea of wealth : Symbol of eternal abundance, prosperity, and wealth.

Parvati is considered as a part of Trithevi, and the wife of Shiva (The destroyer)
Goddess of Empowerment and Prestige
Help you get promoted in your career and attract a loving and happy family life.

The set of Parvati comes with 3 designs
1. Eight-Petaled Lotus – Symbol of abundance, birth, development, promotion and a happy life.
2. Garnet – Symbol of friendship and faith. Help you to attain reverence from your colleagues and people who are under your care, also enhance your confidence and strength.
3. Black Rutile Quartz – Enhance your prestige and provide you development in your career. Also attract happiness to your household, help you to raise your children with ease, and repel any danger and evilness.

Goddess of knowledge, speech, and arts
Saraswati is the wife of Brahma, the creator, and is also a part of the Tridevi.
She is respected and seen as a teacher, this is the reason why she was known as the goddess in any field related to arts, and also in communication and education.

The set of Saraswati comes with 3 Designs
1.Veena - symbol of awareness, and mastery in any field of work and education
2.Fluorite - helps you gain concentration, confidence, good energy, and knowledge
3.Mother of pearl - brings you luck, helps your wish to become true, and brings you guidance in earning a living

Servant of Ganesha, the medium of Gashena which grant wishes to come true quicker
It is believed that your wishes will be granted quicker if you have at least 2 of the Mooshika mouses.
Whispering your wishes to Mooshika can quicken the process because the mouse act as the communicator who delivers your wishes directly to Ganesha.

The set of Mooshika comes with 2 designs
- Mooshika bracelet for 1,890 baht each
- Mooshika charm for 1,490 baht each
Protect the goodness, overcome the evil, attract happiness and prestige
Kali is so powerful that many people worship her. It is believed that if you believe and respect her with your whole heart, she will certainly make your desires come true. No matter what prayers you make, it will surely become true!
Kali comes with 2 designs
- Trishula : Symbol of power, repelling all of the evil forces from all directions. Strengthen your mind, overcome any obstacles, and attract fortune and wealth into your life.
- Black Agate : Ease your mind, make you peaceful, stable, conscious and also attract stability into your life.
13.Phra Mae Thorani
The mother who nurtures the earth, bringing abundance to the land
Bring forth the flower of happiness and prosperity
Phra Mae Thorani is considered as the mother who nurtures the earth and also the symbol of abundance which is seen through the creation of “Phra Mae Thorani Statue” at several venues and institutes in order to earn protection from her.

Comes with 2 designs
1.Nathinil (Water Droplet) - symbol of lotus shape droplet which cleanses bad energy. In Hindu beliefs, the lotus is a symbol of perfection in every domain and also refers to a limitless amount of wealth.
2.Sky Blue Topaz - reflect negative energy, stabilize your mental energy, heal your mind and make you more conscious.
“One of the Four Diamond Kings of Heaven, bringing wealth and unveiling immense power”
A great god of valuables, who guard your money, and protects you from any evilness.
It is believed that he is so rich as he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth before he become Jambhala.This is why he is called “The great god of treasure” and is the reason why he gives blessings and fortune to his worshippers. His worshippers will earn money with ease, and won’t face financial problems in a difficult situation.
It also provides prestige and wealth to the holders or worshippers. Jambhala will make you wealthy and get rid of all of the evilness, fraud, and people who have bad intentions towards you.
Jambhala comes with 3 designs
1.Vessavana : drive away any evilness, provide you prestige, and people will obey you.
2.Smoky Quartz : gives you the power to lead people without facing any obstacles and helps you to manage everything with ease. Also, attract pure energy into your life.
Price : 1,890
3. Vessavana Charm : drive away any evilness, provide you prestige, and people will obey you.
Price : 1,490
All these beautiful bracelets from RAVIPA Reminder Collection are crafted and designed for you and your loved one. Each item comes with special price at 1,890 baht and you will be a part of our donation activity when purchasing.
How to order
- Select Amulet Bracelet that you want .
- Select Bracelet Design
♡ Contact/Order online at LINE: @ravipajewelry or Click
Click to Reminder ( Amulet Bracelet )
♡ RAVIPA Flagship Store Suanluang Square (Chula16) g.co/kgs/Sp2tdN
♡ CentralWorld 3/F
♡ Central Eastville 1/F
♡ Central Ladprao G/F
♡ Tel : 090-919-9295

RAVIPA Presented “Reminder Collection” Auspicious Bracelets, Adorned with Genuine Gemstones & Symbol of Good Fortune
1.Qilin : Symbol of luck, good omens, protection, and prosperity.
2.Pixiu : Symbol of wealth, attracting richness and good fortune to homes and businesses.
3.Caishen : The god of prosperity, attracting richness and abundance to your life.
4.Sun Wukong : The god of fighter helps overcome any obstacles and finds solutions to any problem in your life.
5.Mazu : The goddess of love, who helps fulfill your love life.
6.Guanyin : The goddess of mercy enhances your charm and helps you to be loved by all.
7.Yue Lao (The Old Man From The Moon) : True love charm from the red thread of love
8.Guan Yu : Surrounded by honest subordinates and supportive companion, you will always encounter good people.
9.Nezha : The god of victory, bringing you courage, success, and power in overcoming your enemies.
10.Yin Yang : Symbol of balance, guiding you to a happy life both physically and mentally.
The god of good fortune that can repel evil and enhance auspicious of live who provide complete final protection and blessings to the people.
Qilin (麒麟 ) is a symbol of luck, good omens, protection, prosperity, success, and longevity by the Chinese. It is also known as the dragon horse who has gentleness, kindness and benevolence towards all living creatures. However, the Chinese unicorn also carries a good mystical omen. The Chinese believe that he is always alone and appears only during the reign of an outstanding leader or when a great sage is born. Having “Qilin” in your environment can not only brings you prosperity but also successful career including harmony in your family life, healthy offspring, and longevity.
Enhance fortune of the Emperor The set of Qilin comes with 2 designs :
Deep Green – Your life will be full of good fortune and prestige. Removing all misfortune and danger.
Navy – Your life will be full of good fortune and prestige. Removing all misfortune and danger.

The god of wealth who is a famous for attracting richness and good fortune to home and businesses.
Pixiu (貔貅) is one of the five auspicious animals of traditional Chinese culture. Embodied with a dragon head, lion body and paw. Besides having a beard under its chin, it also has wings at both sides with flying abilities. It is believed that it has the capability to draw wealth from all directions and it doesn’t have any anus, which signifies that it only allows money to roll in and prevent them from flowing out. Pixiu crave the smell of gold and silver and also like to bring money to their masters.
In Chinese mythology, the Dragon King has nine children and Pixiu Is is one of the nine. Dragons are believed to have supernatural power in changing the weather and ruling the oceans so it is very natural that its sons are all powerful. In Chinese people’s minds dragons are a symbol of power and dignity. The Chinese saying “Touch Pixiu once good luck comes, twice money rolls in, and thrice promotion all the way up.”
The set of Pixiu comes with 2 designs :
- Midnight – Wealth and prosperity will flow in. Prevent money from flowing out.
- Burgundy – Wealth and prosperity will flow in. Prevent money from flowing out.

The god of wealth and prosperity who brings good luck, wealth and prosperity.
Caishen (財神) is god of wealth and good fortune. In addition, Caishen can bring in wealth and richness which is often worshiped in many areas of China. People worship this deity not only to attract wealth and luck but also protection from disaster regarding any current financial success. He is known for his agreeableness and compassion which he
The set of Caishen comes with 3 designs :
1.Blue Topaz – Attracting stability and growth. Protecting you from any harm. The Chinese believe that wearing the green jade will bring you wealth and prosperity.
2.White Howlite – Make you feel peaceful and at ease. It helps you to be more relaxed and also attract positive energy. It also supports your ability in communication and negotiation.
3.Mix Agate – Brings you wealth and prosperity. Boost your confidence and help to balance your physical and mental health. It is also believed that insomnia can be cured and physical health will improve.

The god of fighter which symbolizes cleverness, spirit and full of wisdom.
Wukong’s name (孫悟空) is mean to represent his spiritual journey from an ignorant, enthusiastic monkey to a benevolence, enlighten existence.
In the Journey to the West Sun Wukong’s shape directly came from Xuanzang’s journey to India which preceded Sun Wukong. It did not originate from China’s ancient legends or the story of China’s ancient monkeys and apes. Sun Wukong came from ancient buddhist script which can be viewed as the predecessor to the Journey to the West. The Monkey King is born from a strong magic stone that sits atop the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. This stone is no ordinary stone however it receives the nurture of heaven (yang) which possesses a positive nature and earth (yin) which possesses a negative nature and thus is able to produce living beings. The stone develops a magic womb which bursts open one day to produce a stone egg about the size of a ball. People believe that The Monkey will bring energetic, self-assured, sociable, smart and innovative energy. He’s stands for bravery, honesty and the power to fight evil. Sun wukong could help solving the problem and help making decisions easier.

- Victory edition - Or known as the name of “The posture of subduing Mara” is considered as a famous posture which is wearing a warrior suit and holding the Ruyi Jingu Bang or known as the magical wand in his hand. According to the legend, after Yu Huang Da Di (玉皇大帝) heard that Sun Wukong had caused turbulence in the heaven, he then announce the war, however Sun Wukong become the winner. This symbol radiates the power of Sun Wukong in overcoming the obstacles and in gaining victory over the Mara. The holder will earn victory and happiness into their lives.
- Enlighten edition - Sun Wukong is sitting on the clouds, holding his magical wand in his hand. According to his success in ascetism, this symbol will protect you, guide you to wisdom, support you, and help you to find solution to any problem.
- Burlywood - A magnificent stone color which is originated from Sun Wukong who is nurtured by the seed of heaven which also give birth to the earth, the sun, and the moon for over hundreds of years. This stone will protect you from any evilness and will repel any problem that comes into your life.
- Brunette - This stone color represents Sun Wukong’s crown which is considered as one of the 5 auspicious thing to defeat immoral beings. It also empower you and people will obey you.
- Magical Wand of Sun Wukong - Sun Wukong favorite weapon which he gain it in the fight at the underworld. This symbol will enhance your wisdom and repel any Mara, evilness, and obstacles coming into your life.
- Smoky quartz - Stone of might. Helps to cleanse your spirituality. Wearing it together with meditation can help remove negative energy and turn it into a positive one. It also helps your decision making to be better when facing difficulty, and make you more at ease with yourself.
- Jade - Attracting stability and growth. Protecting you from any harm. The Chinese believe that wearing the green jade will bring you wealth and prosperity.

The goddess of the sea who signifies a spirit of integrity, benevolence and love.
Mazu (媽祖) is one of the most loved of all goddesses in Chinese mythology and is known as Ma-Tsu who is the daughter of the Dragon and the Empress of Heaven.
Mazu (媽祖) is one of the most loved of all goddesses in Chinese mythology and is known as Ma-Tsu who is the daughter of the Dragon and the Empress of Heaven. Mazu is said to be guarded by two demons Qianliyan (eyes that can see one thousand miles) and Shunfenger (ears that can hear the wind). Before they became her protectors, both Qianliyan and Shunfenger had asked for Mazu’s hand in marriage. Mazu agreed but only under the condition that they defeat her in combat. During the ensuing battle she easily subdued both demons with her superior martial arts skills and with the help of a magic silk scarf that blew sand into their eyes, effectively blinding them. Instead of marrying her, Qianliyan and Shunfenger vowed to serve as her guardians and to never leave Mazu’s side who was once the female shaman Lin Mo (Mazu) was led by the great and abiding love for her people. Mazu will also help people overcome hardships during sea voyages. Moreover, she signifies a spirit of integrity, benevolence and love.
The set of Mazu comes with 3 Design :
1.Jade – Attracting stability and growth. Protecting you from any harm. The Chinese believe that wearing the green jade will bring you wealth and prosperity.
2.Pink Agate – Balancing the yin and yang energy. Make you feel peaceful and more focused. It also boosts your confidence, makes you feel calm, and enables you to be vigorous.
3.Tiger’s Eye – Consist the power of the third eye. It will enlighten you and make you farsight and focused. It also supports your concentration and consciousness which leads to well decision making. This gemstone also attracts wealth and prosperity to the holder.
The Goddess of Mercy
Guanyin (觀音) is the goddess of mercy and is considered to be the physical embodiment of compassion. A manifestation of the Mother who along with the virgin Mary and the most beloved archetype of the mother Goddess unconditional love energy which resides in and around us for all eternity.
Guanyin will hear the calling and come to rescue. This merciful and almighty Bodhisattva is therefore greatly loved, and admired which is a much stronger energy than what we usually associate with compassion. The energy of Quanyin expresses is similar to what a mother feels for her child.

The set of Guanyin comes with 3 designs :
1.Mother Of Pearl – The mother who will protect you from harm. She will help you to be fortunate and repel all evilness and negative energy. She will help fulfill your love life. It is believed that marriage life will be full of happiness. Moreover, it is considered as a symbol of currency which will attract wealth and prosperity.
2.Orange Moonstone – Refresh and reboot your energy. Unleash your tough decision and get through all problems.
3.Jadeite – Symbol of abundance. There will be completion in every aspect of your life. It also helps you to control your emotions which results in a sense of calm that leads you to design your own remarkable journey.
God of love and marriage
True love charm from the red thread of love
According to the legend, an old man who lives on the Moon is known to create a list of destined couple who appears only at night under the moonlight.
He descends to the earth to entwine the red thread on the destined couple.
The set of The Old Man From The Moon comes with 2 designs :
- Symbols (a book of couples’ names) | A book of couples’ names which is carved with the moon and is encircled with the red love string represents The Old Man From The Moon.
- Rainbow Moonstone | A gem that is believed to be originated from the moonlight which will glow the most in the full moon night.
8.Guan Yu
“Surrounded by honest subordinates
And supportive companion,
Always encounter good people”
It is believed that worshipping Guan Yu will attract loyal subordinates, companions, colleagues, and partnerships. He also helps prevent betrayal and fraud. People mostly worship him in the business or working field. He will also help you overpower your enemy.
Especially for people in competition such as in education, sports competition or even in the field of business. Guan Yu will always support you and fulfill your desires.
The set of Guan Yu comes with 3 designs
1.The Dragon Crescent Blade - The weapon of Guan Yu is a symbol of repelling the evil, bad people, and people who want to take advantage of you.
2.Rainbow moonstones - The moonstone provides calmness, enhances success, and positive results in love. This bracelet is a reminder which will help you pass all obstacles
3.Malachite - Encourage you to make risk decision-making and change in your life. Makes you more connect with your mind and more conscious of your own actions.
9.Nezha 哪吒
God of victory, bringing you courage, success, and power in overcoming your enemies.
Nezha is known as the army leader of heaven, he is powerful and uses the universe ring, and a spear as his weapons. His duty is to guard the heaven gate and to protect it from any mara and evilness. He often gives his worshippers’ blessings such as happiness, success, and victory over their enemies.
The set of Nezha comes with 3 designs
- The Universe Ring - Overcoming your enemies or evils, drive away any dangers, evilness, and people who will want to take advantage of you.
- White Jade - Helps the wearers to be calmer and prevent them from any anxiety.
- Mother of pearl - Make your wishes and desires become true, and attract happiness into your life
10.Yin Yang

It is believed that whoever carries the Yinyang symbol with them, will help them to attract positive energies and lower the negative ones to be in balance. From the past until today, the ideology of Yinyang has been relating to traditional Chinese medicine. It is said that our body structure is similar to the yin and yang. If the elements within our body balance, it will result in a healthy body and then a healthy mind in which all of this will lead to the path of gaining wisdom and gaining success in your career or education. When having both intelligence and a healthy mind, will help you to be more conscious in making any decisions in your life.
Apart from this, Yin also refers to darkness, calmness, and mystery, while Yang refers to brightness, eagerness, bravery, and change. If there is an energy that is more or less than the other, this will leads to chaos, suffering, and endless problems.
Carrying the Yinyang symbol can help to balance both energies which can make everything in your life goes smoothly. Also, the Yin is the representation of feminine power, and the Yang is the representation of masculine power. It can be said that the symbol of Yinyang helps attract the right person who will come to fulfill your life.
10 Chinese Gods Amulet Bracelets that embrace your life with a protection of god for enhancing your love, work, wealth and success for that bracelet’s holder
♡ Contact/Order online at LINE: @ravipajewelry or Click
♡ contact@ravipa.com
♡ Tel : 090-919-9295
♡ RAVIPA Flagship Store Suanluang Square (Chula16) g.co/kgs/Sp2tdN
♡ CentralWorld 3/F (Close to Baan Ying )
♡ Central Eastville 1/F (In front of Muji)
♡ Central Ladprao G/F
♡ Gaysorn Village 2/F
♡ 8 Thonglor G/F

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