RAVIPA Company Outing 2020 | Our company’s first outing trip

By Ravipa Jewelry

Ravipa Company Outing 2020 | พาเที่ยวทั้งบริษัทครั้งแรก

RAVIPA Company Outing

A trip full of smiles and laughter 

How fun would it be on our company’s first trip, Let’s have a look

This time, RAVIPA has arranged a trip for all of our office members for the first time at Kanchanaburi, a province which is surrounded by nature that can help everyone relax and recover from the tiring days.

We arrange the trip and organize fun activities for everyone to break the ice and have fun together. We organize this trip in other to thanks all of the members for the hard work and the sincerity that are given to RAVIPA 

We would like to give the best to everyone because everyone is considered as a part of our family :)