RAVIPA has designed the Ganesha Asuraya for everyone to honor and would like to pay homage to him. The Ganesha Asuraya is inspired from the subduing mara posture, or the 4th posture from the 32 postures according to the legend. Ganesha Asuraya will help you to pass any obstacle coming into your life, he is also considered as the great god of victory.
We can respect him at anytime, especially when there is a big change in astrology. The moving of the Rahu position can affect people to be in grief or feel unstable. By paying respect to the Ganesha Asuraya, you will gain protection and feel more at ease when facing any obstacle.
Ganesha Asuraya has altogether 6 hands which each hand holds a weapon received from different deities including Shiva, Kali, Lakshmi, and Naga in order to subdue the maras. This posture also implies “Gaining blessings in order to fight to gain victory in all fields such as in work, wealth, business, commerce, competition, fortune, and accomplishment that you always wish for.”
The 6 weapons are consist of
Upper Right Hand holding Lakshmi’s Nymphaea of wealth and a lotus
It is considered a pot of abundance for collecting money and gold. The pot is filled with treasure which will attract money and prevent it from flowing out. It attracts stability and happiness to your life. - Middle Right Hand holding Naga’s walking stick Naga is associated with an enormous amount of treasury while Naga's walking stick is considered a symbol of guarding the treasury which will cause financial stability and prevents from causing any debt.
Lower Right Hand holding Kali’s shield
Kali’s shield will prevent you from any evilness and will attract happiness to your life. -
Upper Left Hand holding Shiva’s Trishula
Trishula is a symbol of great power and prestige. -
Middle Left Hand holding Ganesha’s Auspicious Pasha
Ganesha’s Pasha will give protection, will find solutions to any obstacle, and enlightenment to any confusion which leads to a successful life. -
Lower Left Hand holding Ganesha’s Auspicious Axe
A symbol of freeing any obstacle and overcoming enemies and evilness that comes into your life.
The Ganesha Asuraya also consists of 8 unique and auspicious distinctive that will bring success and prosperity to the worshippers.
- Tiptoeing Posture
Symbolizes growth in your life by having consciousness and concentration which also results in calmness when facing any obstacles coming to you.
- Wearing King’s costume
Symbolizes power and prestige among all.
- Wearing A Crown
Symbolizes elegance, splendidness, and prestige.
- A Plump Stomach
Symbolizes abundance and wealthy life.
- A Trunk Curling To The Right-Side (clockwise)
Symbolizes success, wealth, and free of obstacles (It is believed that the holder of the Ganesha with the clockwise trunk will become wealthy with an endless amount of money, especially the holder who always does good deeds and believes in Ganesha wholeheartedly.)
- Ganesha’s Naga Entwining Around The Body
Symbolizes the Ganesha’s guardian which looks after the treasure by preventing them from flowing out.
- Standing On The Upside-Down Lotus
Symbolizes a good life foundation, and an increasing amount of wealth.
- An “Oom” or ॐ Symbol Behind Its Body
A Hindu spell from the 3 great god names including Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The word “Oom” is considered a word to pay respect to the 3 gods in order to gain your blessings.
This is why in Ganesha’s mantra there is a “Oom Sri Ka-sze Sa-ya Na-ma-ha” then making a wish before saying “Oom San-thi… Oom San-thi… Oom San-thi” in order to ask for peace as en ending.
If you want to give an offering to the great god of accomplishment, it is famously known to offer Ganesha with 4 things that come from 4 elements :
Earth l Fruits, Flowers
Water l Water, Milk, Juice
Wind l Frankincense’s smoke, Mantra
Fire l Candle, Lantern
In Indian belief, Ganesha will be the most powerful on Tuesday which is the day that most people will pay respect to him.
This collection is consecrated by removing all negative energies and filling them with positive ones that will enhance your life. The collection consists of bracelet, necklace, shirt pin, and statue that can be placed in your working space (recommended to be placed in high position) or your bedroom (should be placed on the nightstand and never placed at the end of your bed direction) or you can also place the jewelry in front of the car facing you in order to gain protection before traveling.
If you are interest, you can order at www.ravipa.com
LINE: @ravipajewelry (with @)
visit our store to see our newest collection at RAVIPA Flagship store, Central World 2 Fl. in front of Sephora from 24 April
Hurry because our first consecrated first-round products are limited.